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1.Walls- Wall can built at the end of your movement or before your movement. Simply take a 2 ores(legos) from your cart and place it on one of the four lines surrounding your mine cart. This wall is impassable. You may stack walls to make it harder for players to break, You can stack on walls you placed the same turn, or recently stacked walls this turn. walls consist of one 2 by 4 or two 2 by 2s.

2.Hammer- Can be made in your mine cart or in your base.You can only carry 1 hammer in your mine cart. Construct the image to the right, and place it into your mine cart. These do not restrict movement. 

Consume these to destroy a layer of a wall during your movement. Can be made before or after movement. Can't be made with recently collected ores. If you are trapped in your base you may deconstruct the top pieces of your tower to create a hammer, this takes 1 turn.

3.Dynamite- Put  4 different ores back into the mine. Take a Dynamite card. Functions the same as hammer, except it destroys all layers of a wall, and 1 additional layer of walls touching it. 

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