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Game Start

1. Place Each player in their corner.

2. Fill Legos into the mine. (Separating by color)

3.Shuffle The Structure deck and give each player one structure. Each structure cards should have only form 1 visible. To reveal each form you need to collect 1 of each material, and store in  your base.


1. each player can move 5 spaces.(In cardinal Directions)

2. Players movement is restricted depending on how much ores they are carrying. 1 ore(2 by 2) restricts 1 move space.(2 by 4 restrict 2 movement)

3.Player's may steal other players un- built pieces in another player's base. 


1. Turns are decided by the players

2. Each Turn a player can move ,build, and collect. Order does not matter.They may Build as much as they are able to.

3. Players may not build using the ore they collected that turn


1. Build your given structure.(First player to do this wins)

2.Building cost one full turn in your corner of the map

3. You can collect from the mine if you are one adjacent to it. You may only collect the ore that is adjacent to your mine cart. Place ore into your cart to collect it.

4. Their are 3 forms in building, when the first form is completed the player may now move 7 spaces, and when the 2nd form is completed they may move 10 spaces.(This also increased the load you can carry.)


1. Players may build A wall, Hammer, and Dynamite during their turn.To look at cost and what these items do look at the items tab.

2. Players pay the resource cost to make these items. These items are 1 time consumable.

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